Escambia County Healthy Start
Improving health and developmental outcomes for all Florida’s babies
Florida’s Healthy Start was enacted by state legislation in 1991 with the goals of reducing infant mortality, reducing the number of low birth weight babies, and improving health and developmental outcomes for all Florida’s babies.
The Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition is one of thirty-two non-profit organizations across Florida dedicated to improving the health of pregnant women and babies. The Coalition relies on local community input to plan, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive system of care for pregnant women and children, up to age three, who might be at risk for a poor pregnancy or birth outcome.
The Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc., is a private, non-profit, 501(c) 3 organization funded through the Florida Department of Health’s Healthy Start Initiative, local and national grants, and generous donations from committed, concerned community members.
Our Values

Form strategic partnerships in order to optimize utilization of community resources in support of ECHSC Mission and Vision.

Operate responsibly with full transparency and integrity

Timely community-focused problem solving

Capitalize on unique opportunities and solutions

Educate and support the development of families, staff, community partners and other stakeholders

Establish relevant, measurable outcomes in order to consistently improve organizational performance, efficiency and effectiveness in achieving its Mission and Vision