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Community Resources

Improving health and developmental outcomes for all Florida’s babies

Hurricane Preparedness: 
Pregnant Women & Families

While we can’t say which way the wind will blow the hurricane, we want to ensure that pregnant women and their families are taking the necessary precautions in case things take a turn for the worse. It is vital to have a plan for disasters such as hurricanes to avoid added stress on a family, especially during pregnancy.


These tips should come in handy in creating a family communications plan so mom, dad and any other family members involved know what to do as a team before, during and after a hurricane or in an evacuation.

To begin with, everybody needs to have a Disaster Supplies Kit and secure any missing items if possible and make sure their cars are filled with gas, etc. But if you are pregnant or have an infant, it is important to plan accordingly.


For pregnant moms, The CDC has a recommended packing list found here. Make sure to pack enough bottled water to keep hydrated and do not lift large or heavy objects – have a friend or family member help you. If you are close to your due date, talk to your health care provider about what to do in case of emergency.


For moms with infants, March of Dimes has many helpful tips for families facing emergency situations:


  • Keep a list of numbers that are important including your health care provider, case manager and hospital and keep a copy of you and your baby’s medical records and your baby’s immunization records.

  • Babies have an increased need during emergency situations for comfort provided by breastfeeding and it can also provide stress relief for mom. It is the best recommendation during hurricanes as you do not need refrigeration or clean bottles.

  • If you are concerned about the health of you or your baby, contact your health care provider or emergency room immediately.

  • After the hurricane blows over, there are still many precautions to take. Do not bring any babies or children into a home that has been evacuated from until it has been checked for gas leaks, electrical system damage and sewage and water line damage.

Healthy Start Logo. Pink and Green mother and child

Watches and Warnings

The National Weather Service issues a hurricane watch when the threat of hurricane conditions falls within 24-36 hours, and when conditions are expected in 24 hours or less a hurricane warning is issued. It is important to follow the advice of government officials and local law enforcement, so please listen when told to evacuate under their direction for the safety of you, your baby and your whole family.


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All content copyright Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.

This material is not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor with concerns or questions you have.

Sunshine Law and Public Records Caution: The Florida Government in the Sunshine Law prohibits discussion outside a duly noticed meeting between any two or more Healthy Start Coalition Board members regarding any matter that may come before the Board. This prohibition extends to discussions via e-mail. Furthermore, most e-mail communications made or received by the Healthy Start Coalition members or staff are considered public records that must be retained and, upon request, made available to the public and media.


Thank you to our 2024 Bow Ties and Tiaras Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Schwartz Family Charitable Trust

Pediatrix Medical Group
Office of the Medical Examiner District 1

Crib Sponsors

Shimek Family Charitable Gift Fund

Car Seat Sponsors

HCA Florida West Hospital
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