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Every baby deserves a Healthy Start.

The Healthy Start Coalition’s mission is to improve the health of pregnant women and babies through community partnerships and with your help we can do just that.


We offer a wide array of education and support services including programs that help pregnant women access medical care, provide needed equipment to at-risk infants, and support to bereaved families.


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Healthy Start Logo. Pink and Green mother and child

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You can also directly purchase supplies that are most in need through our Amazon Wish List.

Donations can be mailed directly or dropped at our office. Please call ahead: 850-696-2291

Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.
318 North Alcaniz Street
Pensacola, FL 32501

If you would like to donate any items, please reference our accepted donations list

Your Donation Helps

  • One-on-One Counseling and Support Services
    While not licensed mental health professionals, Healthy Start maintains a list of support services, both virtual and in person, for families experiencing a loss. This includes support groups and one-on-one counselors who specialize in maternal health or grief. Please download PDF
  • Memory boxes
    With the help of generous community donors, Healthy Start can offer memory boxes to any family who has experienced a stillborn or infant loss. The memory box is put together by Project Sweet Peas.
  • Annual Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
    Healthy Start annually joins the country in honoring those we have lost on October 15th, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. For information about this year’s event, check out our calendar.
  • Facebook Page
    Healthy Start maintains Light in the Darkness: Healthy Start Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support. A Facebook page that seeks to be a resource for families who have suffered a loss, be it at 12 weeks gestation or 12 months old. We hope to provide compassionate understanding that families are not alone and that there are others who have been in your shoes. Please visit and like @LightinthedarknessHealthyStart on Facebook. For more information about any of the information listed above including resources, events, or FIMR meetings, please contact Claire Kirchharr at
  • Bereavement
    Unfortunately some families suffer the heartbreak of losing a child. We provide families with a memory box. Every $20 supports the purchase of a memory box for a family after a loss. 
  • Stork Stock
    Every $25 donation supports the purchase a canister of baby formula for a baby in need. Every $50 donation supports the purchase of a 2 week-supply of diapers to a family in need. Every $100 donation supports the purchase of essential safety equipment for a baby, including car seats and safe sleep Cribettes. 
  • ​Safe Sleep Survival Kits
    Unsafe sleep environments are one of the leading causes of infant death in the United States. The Coalition’s Safe Sleep Kits provide vulnerable families with the education and equipment needed to provide a safe sleep environment for their baby. Our Safe Sleep Survival Kits include a portable Pack n Play, fitted sheet, Halo sleeper, educational materials, and hands-on instructions. Every $100 raised can provide a Safe Sleep Survival Kit for a baby who does not have a safe place to sleep.
  • Community Resources
    Hurricane Preparedness: Pregnant Women & Families While we can’t say which way the wind will blow the hurricane, we want to ensure that pregnant women and their families are taking the necessary precautions in case things take a turn for the worse. It is vital to have a plan for disasters such as hurricanes to avoid added stress on a family, especially during pregnancy. These tips should come in handy in creating a family communications plan so mom, dad and any other family members involved know what to do as a team before, during and after a hurricane or in an evacuation. To begin with, everybody needs to have a Disaster Supplies Kit and secure any missing items if possible and make sure their cars are filled with gas, etc. But if you are pregnant or have an infant, it is important to plan accordingly. For pregnant moms, March of Dimes has a recommended packing list found here. Make sure to pack enough bottled water to keep hydrated and do not lift large or heavy objects – have a friend or family member help you. If you are close to your due date, talk to your health care provider about what to do in case of emergency. For moms with infants, March of Dimes has many helpful tips for families facing emergency situations: Keep a list of numbers that are important including your health care provider, case manager and hospital and keep a copy of you and your baby’s medical records and your baby’s immunization records. Babies have an increased need during emergency situations for comfort provided by breastfeeding and it can also provide stress relief for mom. It is the best recommendation during hurricanes as you do not need refrigeration or clean bottles. If you are concerned about the health of you or your baby, contact your health care provider or emergency room immediately. After the hurricane blows over, there are still many precautions to take. Do not bring any babies or children into a home that has been evacuated from until it has been checked for gas leaks, electrical system damage and sewage and water line damage. Watches and Warnings The National Weather Service issues a hurricane watch when the threat of hurricane conditions falls within 24-36 hours, and when conditions are expected in 24 hours or less a hurricane warning is issued. It is important to follow the advice of government officials and local law enforcement, so please listen when told to evacuate under their direction for the safety of you, your baby and your whole family. Resources: BeReady Escambia Gas Buddy - Find local stations with gas Traffic Updates / Waze - Check road status Zello Walkie-Talkie - Free push-to-talk application to communicate with low levels of connectivity Florida Power and Light Home Page – Information about power outages Florida Power and Light Maps – Power outage maps Federal CMS Emergency Preparedness Information
  • Providers
    OB/GYN Providers Advanced Women's Group 525 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503 (850) 471-2221 Altenhofen, Dean MD 6110 North Davis Hwy., Pensacola FL 32504 (850) 475-0902 ​Baptist Ladies First 3417 N. 12th Ave., Pensacola, FL 32503 (850) 432-7310 ​Community Health Northwest Florida 5855 Creek Station Dr, Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 435-4352​ Sacred Heart Medical Group 5153 N 9th Ave Suite 205 and 205B, Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 416-2550 Sacred Heart Medical Group OB/GYN at Milestone 2156 West 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, FL 32534 (850) 416-7000 Sacred Heart Midwives at Pensacola 5152 N. 9th Ave Suite 307, Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 416-6384 Sacred Heart Women's Care Center 1657 Trinity Dr., Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 416-2400 Stand and Deliver Midwifery LLC 1302 N. 9th Ave, Pensacola, FL 32514 ​(850) 361-7250 ​West Florida Medical Group 8333 N. Davis Hwy., Pensacola, FL 32514 New Patients: (850) 462-5748 Existing Patients: (850) 494-4600 The Women's Group 2114 Airport Blvd Suite 1000, Pensacola, Fl 32504​ (850) 476-3696 Pediatric Providers Community Health Northwest Florida Jackson Street Main Site 2315 W. Jackson St., Pensacola, Florida 32505 (850) 436-4630 12th Ave Pediatrics 2510 N 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503 (850) 471-0508 Airport Pediatrics 5868 Creek Station Drive Bldg. A, Pensacola, FL, 32504 (850) 478-1244 C.A. Weis Community School 2701 North Q Street, Pensacola, FL, 32505 (850) 912-6006 Cantonment Pediatrics 470 South Highway 29 Unit B, Cantonment, FL 32533 (850) 780-0111 Century Pediatrics 501 Church Street, Century, FL 32535 (850) 724-4054 Fairfield Pediatrics 1295 W. Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 941-7841 Highway 90 Pediatrics 4435 U.S. Hwy. 90, Pace, FL 32571 (850) 304-0390 Lakeview Pediatric Care 1221 W Lakeview Avenue, Children Services Center Second Floor, Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 429-6993 Milton 5520 Stewart Street, Milton, FL 32570 (850) 981-9433 Pediatric Convenient Care 5375 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 760-0669 Pensacola Pediatrics Tiger Point 1368 Country Club Road, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 (850) 934-9876 Cordova 4951 Grande Drive, Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 473-0100 9 Mile 9301 Beatrice Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 476-7555 Johnson Avenue 2120 Johnson Avenue, Suite 103, Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 494-3965 Pediatric Associates Cordova Office 5190 Bayou Blvd., Suite 7, Pensacola, FL 32503 (850) 478-1100 Perdido Office​ 12385 Sorrento Rd. Suite C4, Perdido, FL 32507 (850) 492-5433​ Nemours Specialty Care 8331 N. Davis Highway, Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 505-4700 Wolff Center 1530 Airport Blvd., Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 474-4777 Children's Clinic of Pensacola 909 Garden Gate Cir., Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 477-5475 Naval Hospital Pediatric Clinic 6000 W. Highway 98, Pensacola, FL 32512 (850) 505-7120 Sacred Heart Peds at Milestone (Formerly Sunshine Pediatrics​) 185 Crossville St., Cantonment, FL 32533 (850) 416-7744​ Insurance Providers Blue Cross Blue Shield 1 (800) 352-2583 Medicaid: 850-300-4323 Humana 1-800-477-6931 Simply Healthcare 1-844-406-2396 Sunshine 1-866-796-0530 TriCare​ 1-800-477-8227 United Health Care 1-888-545-5205 Aetna 1 (800) 872-3862
  • Educational Resources
    Safe Sleep Initiative The Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition Cribs for Kids Safe Sleep Initiative educates the community about the importance of providing a safe sleep environment to reduce the risk of injury or death for infants and children. Knowing the ABC's of Safe Sleep can help keep your baby safe. This PSA was created by Eli Smith for his Eagle Scout project. Eli is from Eagle Scout Troop 417 in Gulf Breeze. Let Baby Grow! From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern. Nutrition It is important for mom to have a healthy lifestyle and diet during her pregnancy. Once baby is born, there are certain foods that baby should and should not eat for their first year of life. Here are some helpful tips and tricks on proper nutrition for you and baby. Text4Baby Text4Baby is an app that helps you track your pregnancy and gives you critical safety and health information depending on where are you in your pregnancy. Also, it has a feature to remind you about your medical appointments so it is easy for you to track them. For more information about Text4Baby visit Smoking Cessation Smoking during pregnancy is bad for you and your baby. Quitting smoking, even if you’re already pregnant, can make a big difference in your baby’s life. For more information about how you can quit now contact: 1-800-QUIT-NOW 1-800-784-8669 Quit Smoking NOW Class Thursdays March 7th- April 11th 9 am to 11 am Sacred Heart Education 5051 Carpenter's Creek Dr 850-416-7764 Breastfeeding Education La Leche Leauge: Free breastfeeding support and education for pregnant women or mamas interested in breastfeeding. ​1st Thursday of every month: 10:00 am at Ever'Man Cooperative. 315 W. Garden St., Downtown Pensacola in the Community Room 4th Thursday of every month: 6:00 pm at Coffee Break/ Drowsy Poet at 4620 Woodbine Rd, Pace. Contact P. (850) 366-8287​ E. WIC​​ Free breastfeeding support and nutrition education for pregnant women interested in breastfeeding. Locations Fairfield Site:​ 1295 W. Fairfield Dr. (850) 595-6670 Option 1​ Northside Site: 8390 N. Palafox St. ​ (850) 595-6670 Option 1 ​ Century ​Site: (By appointment only) 511 Church St. (​850) 595-6670 Option 1 Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month. Baptist Hospital​​​ Breastfeeding Education Classes ​Jan 29 & 31; Feb 26 &28; Apr 30; May 2; June 25 &27; Aug 27 &29; Oct 29 &30; Nov 19&21 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm $20 per 2 day session Contact P. (850) 434-4567 W. Sacred Heart Hospital​​ Breastfeeding and Childbirth Education Classes​ $20 per session Location A. ​​5151 N. 9th Ave., Pensacola FL 32504​ P. (850) 416-6378 E.
  • Facebook
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All content copyright Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.

This material is not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor with concerns or questions you have.

Sunshine Law and Public Records Caution: The Florida Government in the Sunshine Law prohibits discussion outside a duly noticed meeting between any two or more Healthy Start Coalition Board members regarding any matter that may come before the Board. This prohibition extends to discussions via e-mail. Furthermore, most e-mail communications made or received by the Healthy Start Coalition members or staff are considered public records that must be retained and, upon request, made available to the public and media.


Thank you to our 2024 Bow Ties and Tiaras Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Schwartz Family Charitable Trust

Pediatrix Medical Group
Office of the Medical Examiner District 1

Crib Sponsors

Shimek Family Charitable Gift Fund

Car Seat Sponsors

HCA Florida West Hospital
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