We hope to improve the health and well-being of infants and their families by empowering fathers and father figures to be knowledgeable, involved, and emotionally engaged with their children.​​​
Children who grow up with involved fathers experience better mental, emotional, educational, and social outcomes, and are:
39% more likely to earn mostly A’s in school.
45% less likely to repeat a grade.
60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school.
2X as likely to go to college or find stable employment after high school.
75% less likely to have a teen birth.
80% less likely to spend time in jail.
T.E.A.M. Dad can help!
Many new fathers struggle to figure out their role when their wife or partner has a baby. Our new fatherhood program offers education, training, and support to help men become the responsible, engaged, and empowered fathers their children need them to be. Our program can help with:
Parenting & Co-Parenting Education
Improving Child Development
Building Healthy Family & Community Relationships
Workforce Development & Economic Stability
Personal Development
If you are a community agency looking to refer a client or patient, click below for the T.E.A.M. Dad Referral Form.
Connect with us today!